Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Weekend

It is amazing how fast "long" weekends go...and let me tell you how I spent mine...CLEANING! The beds have finally been rearranged to give Kennedy a full size bed and the new little one the crib. I also moved the changing table out of KLA's room which meant cleaning out all her clothes that she no long could wear and packing them up for storage. After pulling out some of her smaller sizes for the up and coming, I wish I had packed them better and labeled everything.

After Kennedy's room was straightened out, I put a little time into organizing the other room. The crib bedding looks good and I'm working on getting some letters made for hanging. If you're interested here is her "ebay site." She has been very responsive and that's always a plus for me.

Other than the rooms, I made a few hair bows and two to go along with a photo shoot for Miss Priss Tutus. The young ladies were so cute. You can run over to her site to see KLA posing. I'll post a few pictures that I got.
Have a great week.

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  1. You are way further than us on the baby's room!! We have the bedding and ordered a crib, but nothing is put together! Right now her dresser and bassinet are in our room b/c we are in the process of painting her room!

  2. KLA was a fantastic model for me! :)
