Well, it's been a pretty slow week thus far, but I'm SO SO SO glad tomorrow is Friday. I just need to get through today and then it's the weekend baby!
So, I have a few concerns with this baby...1). size, Kennedy was small 2). preeclampsia, my bp started to go up at wk 30.
I'm currently...like 22 weeks I guess, and everything still looks good...BUT, I think I've gained about 3lbs in two weeks...which I really don't like and think it's an indication that things are about to turn downhill. I haven't gained any weight with this pregnancy (yet)...but with Kennedy I lost between 15-20lbs...and then gained a lot (we're talking like 30lbs) in the last trimester...it was mainly water retention...but still!
So, I don't know if I should start walking more...or if that would be counter-active...The u/s people don't want me doing anything but yoga...but who wants to pay for that?! I might look into it. I could walk while Kennedy is at ballet on Saturday mornings...and maybe bring some shoes to work so I can walk on campus. I don’t' know...what I do know is, I don't want to have complications with this baby...but I really don't know what to do.
Also, I want everyone to thinking happy thoughts of this baby coming on the last week in August. That's about 2 weeks before my due date. I want her to have her b'day before September 1st.
That's all for now...BTW, I asked Kenny about adopting a boy...and he immediately said "No! that would be too many kids." I guess my dreams of a little man are over :)
Stop worrying. :) Little Mam' will be fine. (Not sure if you want her name revealed yet or not.) :) Yoga? Blech!