Okay, so last night I went to my hair stylist, because I've been really not liking my new "natural" hair journey and asked her to blow it out and straighten it with a flat iron. Now, this is only going to last a few days...and since it's going to be raining the next few days...probably a very very short few days. Anyway, here's a picture of my hair this morning. Pretty short...but at least I can see the length.
Also, I'm getting ready for my very first crafts festival and I have no idea what bows I should make or how many...so I've just been making bow according to how I feel and what ribbon is close to me at the time. Well, a few weeks ago I made an apple (not on the site) and decided I would try to make a few more. Well, I got done making the apple part and moved on to the stem and accidentally made it way to long for an apple...so I thought, what about a cherry...and then I thought, cherries come in sets of two right...and this was my final product. You'll have to tell me if you think either one of these are worthy of going on to the site...by the way, the cherries took me about 30 minutes to actually complete...! Thoughts and suggestions are always welcome.
H! And today is Kenny's 28th birthday! Happy Birthday hun...although I know you NEVER read our family blog. I'm taking him on a day trip tomorrow. Hopefully, he'll like the activities I planned. Last week was our anniversary (1st anniversary...aw.. WE MADE IT phew!) and I got him a watch that he'd been wanting for about 2 years. He calls it his "fine" watch. He's funny.
Update..well, I just gave Kennedy a bath and looked high and low for a shirt that had cherries on it. This is the best I could do (saving it for next spring). She's wearing all new stuff...gap jeans I got from the consignment store (6.00-2T), under shirt that autumn never wore (FREE-24mo), gymboree shirt I ordered a long time ago (???-18-24mo) and her new kswiss shoes (32.00-6.5) and of course our new cheeries hair bow!~
Awwww cute hairbows.
Your hair looks great. It has grown A LOT!
love the hair bows and love your haircut...very cute. i wish i could wear a bob...i would look c-r-a-z-y!
Is that really all your hair?? I would have never guessed it was that long! I really like it. :) Also..the cherries are cute. They might be a little big for poor Kennedy Leigh's little bitty head. :)
Oh dear Jesus...check out my blog! You're gonna piss yourself laughing!
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