Thursday, March 12, 2009


A little insight into the Austin Family...
As you all know we have a very active 2 year old...Kennedy. Well, ever since we found out we were having a child the conversation of her being an only child or not had gone back and forth. Kenny said her being an only child wouldn't be so bad...and I was totally against it! Well...looks like the decision was made without our knowledge...!

Here's the story....

Since I didn't want Kennedy to be an only child my only decision was when would it be the right time to try to get pregnant...I decided after many months of pondering that May of 2009 would be a nice time to get started.

Sometime in early January, my co-worker and I walked to the cafeteria to get some lunch. Now, lunch at the CDC isn't so great so I was weighing my options and walked out with a small bowl of green peas. On the way back to our office, my co-worker said "green peas, that's an odd choice. you aren't with child are you?" I quickly answered her "nope! I don't think so"...and the day continued.

From that conversation I started to think about the last time I had a "visitor" and thought it was sometime in mid November...which really isn't that big of a deal for me since I'm TOTALLY irregular. I went to the store the next evening and picked up a home pregnancy I had done so many times before and bought a box of three (you know, the value sized ones!).

I took the first test waited and watched as the indicator showed an extremely faint positive...I thought, "shouldn't it be darker than that." Since I had two more test I waited a little while and took the second one...FAILED. I guess I didn 't pee right. I waited until the next morning and took the last one...FAILED...again, I guess I didn't pee right.

On the way home from work the next day, I went again and got the early pregnancy test value pack. I think it had two of them in there. This time, I got a cup and caught the urine and then dipped the stick in it...SUCCESS...and again an extremely faint positive. I waited until the morning again and took the last one...SUCCESS...and again an extremely faint positive. Since it was in the morning I had Kennedy take Kenny the last test...and he said "what is this"...he's hilarious isn't he? He instructed me that I needed to make an appointment ASAP to confirm or deny.

I think I got an appointment a few days later and although the results were faint again, they weren't at all delayed in saying "congratulations, you're pregnant" response "are you sure?"

So, you all know how the next weeks go...everyone is getting adjusted to the idea of bringing another life into the world. Kenny is wondering "how did this happen" and "when?" We still haven't figured that one out...and really don't think we will.

Well...I had a 12 week ultrasound (ending up being really my 13th week) a few days ago and everything looks good. The specialist wants me to take it easy and focus on being an incubator.

Sorry for the long drawn out tale, but I've been waiting anxiously to let you all know...and I would like to look back on this and read it years down the line.

Here are a few images from the ultrasound. The first pictures we have of Baby Austin #2.

Oh...and get this. On February 7th, my maternal grandmother died peacefully in her home. In mid December my mom e-mails all of the girls (me and my sisters) and said "Mama asked which one of you is pregnant because she dreamt of fish." We all wrote back feverishly saying it wasn't me. Well, I guess she did know...

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Jennifer said...

Congrats Jana and Kenny!! How awesome that it all just happened and you didn't even know you were trying yet=))

Marci said...

Yay! Congratulations! And since when are green peas considered an odd food choice? :)

Dallas said...

I can't wait to be on this journey with you again!

The Duttons said...

Congratulations Jana! How exciting!