Thursday, June 25, 2009

Austin Baby #2 Updates

Well kids...looks like this one is going to be in for the long haul...!

I was so banking on Avery to come about three weeks earlier than the specified due date because Kennedy was 2.5 wks early. Well, all of my ultrasounds and appoints have been excellent and the little bugger is growing right on schedule.

I'm happy the pregnancy is going so well, but I had convinced myself that she would be here in late August...but, I guess she has other plans.

If anyone remembers, I order her name to be hung in her room from a lady I found on etsy. I rec'd them today (about three weeks later - not too bad!) and I do like them...however, the blue she used isn't quite the blue in the bedding, it should have been more aqua...but, I guess they'll do. They are still cute. I asked her to add a "little" pink to make the colors more feminine...I got a little more pink than I bargained for, but I still like them. Here is the bedding they are to match:

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Dallas said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!!!