Wednesday, June 3, 2009

U/S Appointment

Well, today I had what I thought would be my last u/s...I was sadly mistaken! The appointment went well - I guess!

They measured the baby's head, belly and femur and everything but the femur measured around 25wks. The femur was long measuring around 27 weeks and a few days. They said nothing to worry about "having a tall baby." But, as many of you know, "we" shouldn't have a tall baby -so, I thought that was funny.

The estimated the weight of the baby being around 1lb. 3oz (I think that's what she said). My fluid is low so they want me to drink a whole bunch of water and rest more. Because my fluid is low and my blood pressure started to go up around week 30 w/Kennedy, I have yet another u/s appointment in three weeks...really?!

So, once again I'll be seriously late for work - and they will probably tell me to drink even more water. I have cheated and I drank 2 "tall vanilla lattes" from starbucks this month...they said I should stay away from all pregnant women should do...but, it was a treat...I guess that's what I get.

The gave me a few face shots today from the u/s, but they didn't scan in very well...maybe I'll try again with another image - all I can really see are chubby checks!

Anyway, today I feel okay. I'm about to go give Kennedy a bath because she has been outside ALL day and is a bit dirty! Hopefully, we can retire early.

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