So, for the last few weeks I've been seriously thinking about letting go of my "black beauty" (2001 Solara) and getting a big girl 4 door vehicle. Now, when I get my mind set on something, it's like I'm obsessed until that task is done. Well...this car search was no different. I've thought on three separate occassions...this is the one...and then I'd be, it's not.
All in all, I've decided to wait just a little while longer...maybe mid to late September. I'll be buying used, so I'm hoping the longer I wait, the better the prices will be...and more leases will be turned in becasue their 2 years is up.
It makes me sad because this is what I've been focusing on for the last few days - so sad.
So, suggestions on what I can focus on now...please send them my way.
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