Monday, June 28, 2010

Sorry Mel!!!

Wow, I know it has been forever, but such is life...sorry Mel for not posting.

Updates - I may have some pictures to add later.

Avery had her 9 month appointment a few weeks ago. She is growing well and meeting all of her milestones. She is crawling like a pro now and beginning to surf (holding on to things and walking). She's still a bit shaky, but it amazes me how much progress she makes in just a short week.

At her appointment Avery weighed 19lbs, 1oz. She is still at the 50%. It is still awkward for me to hear that she is growing right on schedule due to my experience with Kennedy.

Kennedy weighs right around 30lbs now. ...and lately she has had a real appetite. Maybe she's growing.

We are currently all adjusting to our new living situation and I think Kennedy is taking it the hardest. She comes running to my bed just about every night- and she NEVER wants to sleep alone. Poor baby...I hope I haven't given her a complex that will follow her the rest of her life (I pray...I haven't).

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Mel said...

Hehe. Believe me I understand.

Way to go Avery!

And Kennedy will be fine. I promise :) I had the same living arrangement and turned out fabulous. So will she.