seriously, up every two've got to be kidding me. i thought i would get on top of miss avery screaming at the top of her lung last night and put her in our room to I could hear the little movements and sounds before she really got started...well, what I didn't factor in was she has dropped her milk consumption back down to 2oz (she was right around 5oz for a feeding), which makes her get hungry faster...every two hours to be I went to bed around 9:30 (yep, that's pretty early) and was up in or around 11, 2, 4, 6 and now 8...SERIOUSLY! I was doing good up until the 4 am feeding, but now, I'm just screaming for some sleep. neighbors have some sort of delivery today and the guys keep dropping large equipment on the concrete...which makes all 4 of my dogs bark like someone is hurting them...sigh. ...up side to that, Avery is sleeping right now - maybe I have time to wash all the bottles for her next feeding.
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