Can't believe we are already into my favorite season of the year!...too bad I'm too tired to enjoy it. I thought I was going to have a "day off" today...but Autumn came knocking around 7am...and I don't even know how long she is staying...entainment for Kennedy...but noise all day for me.

The house, of course, is a mess...and I'm not motivated to even touch it. Yesterday I ran a load in the dishwasher full of lazy is that?!
Avery had her one month appointment and she was 9lbs. 3.8oz and 20 inches long. Kennedy wasn't this big until she was 3 months old...
My sleepless nights still continue...maybe they have gotten a little better, not really sure...everything runs together. We did do newborn pictures with April and I'll post some of those pictures along with some other pictures I've been taking.

It's 10:10 and I need to figure out what to feed everyone for breakfast...but I don't want to make more dishes...!
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